Start a free short course in the field of your choice.
Try one of our free design or development short courses built for complete beginners. You’ll get an introduction to the field, complete exercises, and find out how to change careers into tech.
Short Course
UX Design
Start my free UX Design short course
Choose User Experience Design if you’re curious about understanding human behavior and how great products and services are designed.
Short Course
UI Design
Start my free UI Design short course
Choose User Interface Design if you’re inspired by beautiful websites and apps and want to design your own intuitive and aesthetic interfaces.
Short Course
Web Development
Start my free Web Dev short course
Choose Web Development if you are interested in building technology. Code your first website with this course in 5 exercises.
Short Course
Data Analytics
Start my free Data Analytics short course
Choose Data Analytics if you want to explore the ins and outs of data, using insights and storytelling to build accurate assessment skills.
Short Course
Digital Marketing
Start my free Digital Marketing short course
Choose Digital Marketing and learn how to reach a modern audience—even getting your hands dirty building your own campaign!
Short Course
Product Management
Start my free Product Management short course
Choose Product Management to investigate the multi-faceted world of building, testing, and improving product features for customers.
Short Course
Product Design
Start my free Product Design short course
Choose Product Design if you're interested in delving into the art and science of crafting exceptional products and services that resonate with users.
Already experienced? Start a free specialization short course.
Expand your design skillset with one of our free specialization short courses for designers.
Short Course
Voice User Interface Design
Start my free VUI short course
Learn all about the burgeoning voice tech industry and gain a comprehensive introduction to key voice user interface design (VUI) principles.
Short Course
UI for UX Designers
Start my free UI short course
Are you a UX designer who wants to start learning UI? Then take this course to gain a comprehensive introduction to UI design and learn how to incorporate it into your design process.
Short Course
Frontend Development for Designers
Start my free Frontend short course
Are you a UX designer who wants to start learning frontend development? Start learning essential coding skills and become one of the few designers in the industry who can speak the developer’s language.